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The Only  you Bouquet is Tang Flowers ' iconic bouquet


The Only Bouquet is a hand-tied bouquet of Classic Roses presented in signature Tang Flowers with hand selected seasonal foliages.


Picture is the Premium size.




Classic Rose Bouquet

  • Prices for delivery are broken down by London postcode and the nationwide area, this is detailed in the delivery section of the website and will be calculated at checkout. Customers ordering in London before 2pm or all nationwide deliveries ordered before 2pm will be sent out via next working day delivery.

  • London's finest Ecuador roses - directly sourced from four carefully selected Ecuadorian farms with certified by FlowerLabelProgram, Flor Ecuador and the Rainforest Alliance to meet the highest social, labour and environmental standards.


    Ecuadorian roses have significantly larger heads, stronger stems and a better vase life than any other rose.

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